Rebecca Lubas

My name is Rebecca Lubas, and I am the Director of Discovery, Acquisitions, and Consortial Services at UNM Libraries. I’m excited to play a small part in the eHillerman project by providing advice on how the artifacts in the collection can be made more easily discoverable via metadata and structure.

Like many who live in the Southwest, I’m from somewhere else. The enchanting landscapes of the Southwest, so beautifully described by Tony Hillerman, lured my family here, and now it is home. When I arrived here, I embarked on a reading campaign to catch up with New Mexico history and culture. It was Hillerman’s writing that contextualized the culture and landscape for my new home the best – his works of fiction and his essays. The Great Taos Bank Robbery should be required reading for anyone settling in New Mexico, in my opinion!
Beyond the landscape, Hillerman’s words paint a picture of New Mexico personalities as well. His autobiography Seldom Disappointed is an insightful glimpse into the political and media history of New Mexico.
The works of Tony Hillerman introduced me to my new home. I hope that the eHillerman project will provide scholars a deeper insight of the culture of the twentieth century southwest, in the same vibrant way.