Ganado Mucho

Ganado Mucho, also referred to as Gañado Mucho, was a Navajo leader during 1850s and 1860s, the time of the tribe's conflict-ridden transition to reservation life and away from the indigenous sovereignty of Dinétah. Ganado Mucho preferred diplomacy and treaties over violence and remained officially neutral in many conflicts between the Navajo and the United States, often choosing not to go into battle.

Despite early resistance to Kit Carson's forceful removal of the Navajo from their tribal homelands, Ganado eventually ended up at Bosque Redondo, losing several of his daughters in slave raids to which his party was subjected during their Long Walk from northern Arizona to southeastern New Mexico. In 1868, he signed the treaty between the Navajo and the U.S., which allowed the Navajo to return to their land.

Photo Credit

"Navajo Chief Ganado Mucho, 1872 - 1878?," photograph by Henry T. Hiester. Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Collection (038041). Palace of the Governors Photo Archives, New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe.

Manuscript Occurrences
Published Works
2009 "Navajo leader Ganado Mucho (many cattle)." Navajo People Culture and History.…, accessed June 24, 2014.

"Treaty with the Navajo
(1868)." The American Mosaic: The American Indian Experience.…, accessed June 24, 2014.