Holy People

In many tradtional cultures, the Holy People are immortal beings who can take the form of ancestor spirits, universal guides, landscape elements, animals, plants, and celestial bodies. When things become imbalanced and sickness or discord manifests, the Holy People can be summoned through ceremonies with rituals and prayers. If the ceremony is performed in the correct way and the Holy People are pleased, then they, through the concept of reciprocity, feel obliged to right the wrong that is disrupting the harmony the Navajo seek in their daily lives, restoring order, health, and hózhó.

Photo Credit

"Mesa Verde Rainbow, August 29, 2008" by Don Graham is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Term Type

Hirschfelder, Arlene and Paulette Molin
     2000   Encyclopedia of Native American Religions. New York: Checkmark Books.

Kelley, Klara Bonsack and Harris Francis
     1994   Navajo Sacred Places. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Kluckhohn, Clyde and Dorothea Leighton
     1946   The Navaho. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Wyman, Leland C.
     1983    Navajo Ceremonial System. In Handbook of North American Indians. A. Ortiz, ed.
         Pp. 537, 541, Vol. 10. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Washington.