John M. Campbell

John M. Campbell was a professor of archaeology and a former director for the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico. He graduated with his doctoral degree from Yale in 1962 and taught archaeology, cultural ecology, and photography at the University of New Mexico, where he served as chair of the department for many years. In 1997, Campbell published a book-length photo essay called Few and Far Between: Moments in the North American Desert, with a foreward by Tony Hillerman.

Photo Credit

Photograph of Joseph M. Campbell, taken by Marjorie Kileberg Shea.

Manuscript Occurrences
Published Works


Anthropology at the University of New Mexico
     2013   Faculty Emeritus.,
         accessed August 27, 2014.

Campbell, John Martin
     1997   Few and Far Between: Moments in the North American Desert. Santa Fe: Museum of
         New Mexico Press.

University of New Mexico Anthropology Newsletter
     2012   John Martin (Jack) Campbell Receives Honorary Degree., accessed December 12,