.22 pistol

A popular pistol that is known for its high accuracy in precision shooting. The .22 refers to the barrel's internal diameter, or the diameter of the bullet's cartridge. In this case, the .22 rifle fires a cartridge that is twenty-two millimeters in diameter.

Photo Credit

"High standard .22 pistol, February 14, 2008" by Vtolfreak is licensed under Public Domain.

Term Type

Smith &Wesson Online
2014 .22 LR Rimfire. Http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category4_750001_750051_…, accessed April 7, 2015.

Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institure, Inc. Online
2012 Glossary: Caliber. Http://www.saami.org/glossary/display.cfm?letter=C, accessed April 7, 2015.