
A leading U.S. supermarket chain with stores all over the U.S. as well as in a few countries abroad. The company started with a small grocery store in American Falls, Idaho in 1915. The store was named Skaggs, after its founder S.M. Skaggs, whose commercial philosophy was grounded in low profit margins to attract customers and gradually increase sales volume. This operating strategy was maintained through the company's gradual expansion and its various name changes and still characterizes today's Safeway as a multinational corporation. As of 2014, the chain had 1,3335 stores in the U.S. and 195 in Mexico. In the past, it also had stores in Canada, Australia, and Jordan.

Photo Credit

"A Safeway Inc. supermarket in San Jose, CA. This rather plain (by today's standards), boxy store design was typical in the 1970s and 1980s. August 3, 2005" by Coolcaesar is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Manuscript Occurrences
Published Works

Encyclopedia Britannica Online
     2015   Safeway Inc., accessed January 13,