Camp Pendleton, California

The primary Marine Corps base on the West Coast, located in San Diego, California. It was established in 1942 during World War II. This base was named after Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton and was originally built to be a temporary facility, but by the end of the war had been designated a permanent installation.

Photo Credit

"Main gate of Camp Pendleton, Calilfornia, November 12, 1997" by SSGT Richard P. Tudor, USMC is licensed under Public Domain.

Manuscript Occurrences
Published Works

Shettle, M. L.
     2001   United States Marine Corps air stations of World War II. Bowersville, Ga: Schaertel
         Pub. Co.

United States Marine Corps
     N.d.   Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. Marines, the Official Website of the United States
         Marine Corps., accessed
         September 1, 2015.