White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico

An area in New Mexico used by the U.S. Army for rocket testing, White Sands is part of the largest military complex in the U.S., one which includes Holloman Air Force Base as well as the McGregor Range Complex at Fort Bliss. In 1945, this missile range was the location of the first test of a nuclear warhead, the scar of which is known as the Trinity Site. The proving grounds and associated military base are known as White Sands, because the base is located on a vast dune field located near the San Andres Mountains in southern New Mexico.

Photo Credit

"Trinity Site Obelisk National Historic Landmark, October 2, 2010" by uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Published Works

Encyclopædia Britannica Online
     N.d.   San Andres Mountains. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/520945/
         San-Andres-Mountains, accessed October 21, 2014.

Klages, Ellen
     2008   White Sands, Red Menace. New York: Viking.

Unites States
     1991   White Sands Missile Range Information Brochure. White Sands Missile Range:
         Department of the Army.