throwing stick

A throwing stick is a weapon for killing rabbits and other small mammals such as prairie dogs. It can be thrown long distances or used as a club to kill or stun prey and was used by men and women for hunting, both on foot and later on horseback.

The morphology of the throwing stick varies; the two most common types are a straight make-shift throwing stick made from dry oak or juniper branches. The second is a more carefully constructed curved stick with round grip and a stone-ground flattened body. There are other types beyond these two but they are less common.

Photo Credit

"Throwing stick in marsh hunt along the Nile in a life-after-death scene, Tomb of Nebamun, circa 1350 BCE" by is licensed under Public Domain.

Manuscript Occurrences
Published Works


Kluckhohn, Clyde, W. W. Hill, and Lucy Wales Kluckhohn
     1971   Navaho Material Culture. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University