Browse by Title: C


The flat valley or other ground that is bounded on two sides by steep vertical walls. This almost creates a v-shaped gap in the landscape. Canyons are often formed by…

canyon country

A general reference to much of the Four Corners region of the U.S., whose geological distinctiveness is in great part derived from the riddles of canyons, large and…

Canyon de Chelley, Arizona

A deep canyon system located in northeastern Arizona, within the Navajo Nation. The red sandstone walls intermittently break into the ledged cliff-dwellings that give…


A hard layer of rock that overlies a softer more easily eroded layer of rock. Caprocks often occur on the top of hills and mesas and sometimes also on the beds of…


In military or paramilitary organizations, such as police departments, captains outrank, or are higher in an organizational hierarchy, than lieutenants and other…


A light, short-barreled rifle with a limited shooting range. The name carbine originated in the French word "carbin," a lightly-armed cavalry soldier. A carbine rifle…


A group of islands off the southeast coast of North America, due east of Central America, and due north of South America. Located in the Caribbean Sea, these islands…


A reference to two separate states, North Carolina and South Carolina. The Carolinas are located on the east coast of the United States just below Virginia. During the…


A small, individual study space that normally contains a desk and a shelf. Carrels can be found in most libraries, and can be either partitioned or enclosed in order to…

Carrizo Mountains, Arizona

This an isolated mountain range of extinct volcanoes located in northeastern Arizona within the Navajo Reservation. These mountains are part of the Chuska-Tunicha-…


A small, fully enclosed truck, similar to a pickup truck with a shell, except that the "shell" is part of the vehicle's body./cite>


Another word for "round," or the combination of bullet (the projectile point), the gunpowder, and the shell that holds the round together. When a firearm is…

cartridge magazine

A part of a gun that holds multiple cartridges or bullets. The magazine may be part of the gun or may be a separate attachment, sometimes called a clip. The magazine…

carved bone

Carved bones are created by using a chisel or some other sharp tool to work animal, or even human, bones into shapes. Carved bones can also be embellished with surface…


In the context of mining and oil drilling, casing refers to a large pipe that is inserted into a well's borehole and then cemented into place. Casings serve various…


A catapult is a relatively simple machine that uses non-explosive force to hurl objects far distances. Subjecting the throwing arm to extreme tension and releasing it…

catch basin

A naturally-occurring or man-made reservoir that collects surface water. Catch basins vary in size and shape, depending on the terrain and how they are positioned…


An individual who is a follower of the Catholic faith, one of the three major branches of Christianity, with the other two being Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism.…


One of the most common wetland plants, cattails (or Typha) are reeds with tall, narrow leaves that can reach up to 10 feet in height. The plant's name is a reference to…

cattle guard

Also know as a cattle grid, this metal grate is used to deter livestock from crossing a road or train tracks. The guard extends across a depression in the road,…


A component of many armies, cavalry refers to units of soldiers mounted on horseback. Historically cavalry units were very important in military operations due to the…

Cave of the White Cliffs

The White Cliffs are a central reference point in Zuni mythology regarding the food fight and wasteful frolic at Ha'-wi-k'uh. There was enough corn piled about to stuff…

Cebolleta Mesa, New Mexico

A large mesa that lies southwest of the Acoma Indian Reservation in central New Mexico, rising up to 8,765 feet at its peak. The name Cebolleta (spelling varies and can…


Tony Hillerman's references to "cedar" probably refer to one of the many Juniperus species found throughout the Southwestern United States. Hillerman's cedar…

Cedar Ridge Trading Post, Arizona

Established in 1920 by white settlers in Northern Arizona, this trading post is named after a nearby geologic feature by the same name. It is located on Highway 89, on…