Browse by Title: G

Galisteo Basin, New Mexico

A basin and watershed area in northern New Mexico. It receives water run-off from the Sangre de Cristo mountains to the north and drains into the Rio Grande to the…

Galisteo Formation, New Mexico

A large geologic formation located in north-central New Mexico between the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Santa Fe and the Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque. This…

gall bladder

A small organ that releases bile, a bitter and acidic substance, into the small intestine.

In Native American cultures, the…

gall medicine

Gall medicine is made of the gall bladders of eagles, mountain lions, bear, and skunk. Occasionally the gall bladders of sheep, wolf, badger, and deer are also used.…


A hard mass, or stone, that amasses in the gallbladder. Consisting of a concretion of cholesterol, gallstone can cause immense pain to the patient.

Gallup Police Department

The chief law enforcement agency, also known as GPD, responsible for policing the city of Gallup, New Mexico. The GPD's mission statement is as follows: "The mission of…

Gallup, New Mexico

Gallup is the most populous city along I-40 between Flagstaff, AZ and Albuquerque, NM , which is the interstate overlay of "the mother road," Route 66. The city was…


Animals hunted for food or sport by other animals, including humans.

Ganado High School, Arizona

Ganado High School is located on the Navajo Reservation in Northeastern Arizona. Most of the students who attend Ganado High School are Native American. The school is a…

Ganado Mucho

Ganado Mucho, also referred to as Gañado Mucho, was a Navajo leader during 1850s and 1860s, the time of the tribe's conflict-ridden transition to reservation life and…

Ganado, Arizona

A settlement in Apache County, Arizona. The settlement is named after Ganado Mucho, the last head chief of the western division of the Navajo and the twelfth signer of…

Garces Mesa, Arizona

A long, flat highland located in the southwestern part of the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation in Arizona. This mesa was named after Francisco Garces, a Spanish…


Another word for chatty or talkative. Someone who is garrulous talks a lot, all the time, and not necessarily about anything "important." Because garrulous also…

General Sheridan

Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888) was a cavalry general whose leadership was instrumental in defeating the Confederate army in the last phase of the American Civil…


Also called a dynamo, a generator is a machine that produces electrical power from mechanical power. While the mechanical power can be generated in a number of ways,…


Genesis is translated from the Hebrew word Bereshit, meaning "in the beginning." Viewed as a patriarchal history, this first book of the Old Testament and the Torah…


A genius is an individual of exceptional talent in some, or perhaps many, areas such as music, film, mathematics, architecture, or even the culinary arts. Although…

geological formation

In the study and mapping of the earth's surface, geologists classify a geological formation as any basic unit of rock that stands out from its surroundings. A…


A scientist whose work it is to understand the history of our planet. Geology is the study of the Earth, what it's made of, how it came to be made out of those…


Geology is the study of the Earth, what it's made of, how it came to be made out of those materials, and the processes that have acted, and continue to act, upon…


In some versions of Navajo traditional beliefs, when people die, their ghosts, which are understood as their essence or spirit, can linger in the place of dying and…

Ghost Dance

The Ghost Dance was a spiritual tradition that was adopted by various Native American groups around North America in the late 1800s. The dance was based in the…

ghost hole

According to the Navajo belief system, which involves strict taboos regarding death, if a person dies inside a dwelling place rather than outside in an open space, the…

Gila monster

Gila monster is one of the Navajo Holy People and is thought to be the original medicine man (according to the Flintway ceremony). When drawn in sand paintings and…

Girl Dance

A portion of the Enemyway ceremonial held after sundown at the end of the first day of the ceremony. It is dance where girls can choose with whom they wish to dance,…